Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides. 她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。
The results show: besides the annual cycle, there are a12 and a24 hour short cycle and a1~ 2 month moderate long cycle in the data. 结果表明:聊古1井气氡数据除明显的年周期外,还存在12小时、24小时的短周期效应和1~2个月的中长周期波动。
Abstract: The long cycle of supply chain is the main reason of the unparallelism of the production and distribution, thus resulting in the overstock and higher cost. 供应链周期过长是造成产销不对应,库存积压、本过高的一个重要原因。
After modifying Nanoparticles surface, we can achieve the effect of a long cycle and have broad research and development prospects. 纳米粒经表面修饰后,能达到长循环的效果,具有广阔的研究和发展前景。
The paper describes the impact of metal ions impurities on current efficiency and electrolytic zinc quality of long cycle electrowinning process. 阐述了长周期锌电积过程中金属离子杂质对电流效率和电锌质量等方面的影响。
Complex buildings are well known as difficult developing, long cycle, and high capital requirement projects in property industry. 综合体建筑是社会需求、经济发展和用地紧张的必然产物,也是城市规划新理论和实践的例证。
The bulls at JPMorgan point out that housing follows a long cycle. 摩根大通的看多报告指出,住房市场是在遵循一个长周期。
The long cycle ride exhausted her. 她因长途骑自行车而疲惫不堪。
Moreover, because some sectors – those with a long cycle of production, such as aeronautics – are still recruiting, she is hopeful that all 190 MBAs due to graduate in June will eventually find employment. 此外,由于某些生产周期较长的行业(如航空业)仍在继续招聘,她对该校今年6月即将毕业的190名MBA学生最终将找到工作充满希望。
A long cycle for a big-ticket item or a series of smaller, more frequent sales. 是比较长周期的大单子,还是一系列频繁的小单子?
With a compact, power, light weight, low fuel consumption, high reliability and cold start performance, versatility, low emissions, but also has maintained a long cycle, the use of low cost. 普赫公司技术生产。具有结构紧凑、功率大、重量轻、油耗低、可靠性高、冷启动性能好、通用性强、排放低等特点,还具有保养周期长、使用成本低等特点。
This can also be constructed for corrals, can be "rigged" to the sheep, but sheep manure long cycle is very long. 本作还可以建造畜栏,可以“造”出绵羊来,不过绵羊长肥的周期很长。
"Aip overload" causes paralysis in any process resulting in missed schedules, long cycle times, and low first pass yields. “进程中行动超负荷”引起流程的瘫痪,导致无法按期完成工作,周期时间长,第一次通过率低。
Causes for clogging in LP Depropanizer are analyzed and methods for optimizing the operation to alleviate the clogging are proposed, thus ensuring the long cycle of the column. 对低压脱丙烷塔堵塞原因进行分析,并提出优化操作减缓堵塞的方法,保证了该塔长周期运行。
Pluto is one of the three outer transpersonal planets, and like Neptune and Uranus has a long cycle, so it takes many years to traverse a sign. 冥王星是三个超个人行星之一,并且就像海王星和天王星一样有着很长的公转周期,这就需要很多年去通过一个星座。
Due to long cycle of forest trees growth and complicated mechanism of resistance, to improve forest trees resistant to abiotic stresses has been a difficult problem to forest breeders. 由于林木生长周期长,且抗逆机制极为复杂,长期以来,如何改良林木对非生物胁迫的抗性一直是育种学家的难题。
The tolerant cultivation for the teachers have a long cycle, that can not adapt to the requirement of the nursing education in speciality under the new situation. 护理学科的发展,不仅需要有一支教育层次高、素质好的护理教师队伍,同时需要有一支层次高、技术精湛、素质好的临床带教队伍。
The measures and methods of long cycle benign use of continuous casting crystallizer are elaborated in this article. 阐述了实现结晶器长周期良性使用的措施及方法。
For large-scale continuous production units stress should be put on long cycle operation. 大型连续化生产装置强调安全长周期运转。
The main causes for long cycle life lead-acid battery with gel electrolytes were analyzed. 分析了胶体电解质铅蓄电池循环寿命长的原因;
When the development method is not proper, it will cause a long cycle and a low efficiency. 并且由于开发方法不当,造成开发周期长,效率低的状况。
As a complex process, Aircraft manufacturing is a long cycle system engineering. 飞机制造作为一项工艺复杂,研制周期长的系统工程。
At the same time, the long cycle of archaeological research, can not supply sites the information and space for systematic and complete display in the short term. 同时,考古研究周期过长,无法在短期内提供遗址完整、系统展示所需要的信息与空间,限制了展示工作,使得史前遗址的展示陷入了跋前踬后的状态。
With the rare long cycle boom of shipbuilding, informationization also entered the age of the most beneficial development. 伴随着船舶工业历史罕见的长周期景气,行业信息化也迎来了最为有利的发展时机。
But wind-tunnel test long cycle, but also to consume a large amount of manpower and material. 但风洞试验周期长,而且要消耗大量的人力和物力。
Traditional design method is not only a long cycle, but also hard to obtain the optimal damper characteristics. 传统的设计方法不仅周期长,而且难以获得最优的减振器特性。
But autologous ADSCs 'source is limited and its long cycle time in vitro limits its clinical application. 但自体ADSCs来源有限、体外培养周期长等原因严重限制了其应用。
Traditional breeding methods have long cycle and heavy workload, and can not meet the present production needs. 传统的常规育种方法育种周期长且工作量大,不能满足目前生产需要。